'I just don’t understand these covidiots,' says woman planning on hosting Christmas dinner for extended family

HAMILTON – A local woman is upset about all the “covidiots” she sees and hears about online not taking the proper precautions to curb the spread of COVID-19.

“Honestly these people need to give their head a shake,” said Maureen Orlevski, a local woman and “fun” mom. “Everyone just needs to wear a mask, physically distance, and not get together for the holidays… except for our family of course, because we are careful.”

Orlevski, who lives in a 1,500 square foot condo in Hamilton, says she plans on hosting 20 family members and friends for Christmas dinner on Dec. 25.  

“Its just those gosh darn millennials in Toronto making everything worse. Luckily, we are in Hamilton, which is much safer,” said Orlevski.

Hamilton is currently in the red zone of Ontario’s pandemic framework and has the most active cases of COVID-19 it has seen since the beginning of the pandemic.

“And listen, its not like we won’t be taking any precautions,” Orlevski continued. “For starters I won’t be kissing everyone on the lips like I normally do; instead, I will just be kissing people on the cheek. And of course, everyone will get their own individual bowl of nuts and bolts to munch on before the annual caroling and after everyone has tried on grandpa’s old Santa Claus beard.”

Orlevski admits she has received some backlash from people who have heard about her Christmas plans, but says she doesn’t plan on changing her mind.

“Those dummies need to mind their own business, they don’t know what they are talking about,” said Orlevski. “My family is too smart to get COVID. We wear masks at stores and have only had a handful of raging house parties this month. Christmas is very important to us and normally we have closer to 24 people for dinner, so we are sacrificing a lot.”


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