Local ghost haunted by ‘weirdo’ tenant

HAMILTON – A Hamilton ghost, who resides in an old house by the lake, has been tormented by a strange new tenant for months. The ghost, Reginald R. Miller, says this is the worst thing that has happened to him since he died in 1892.

“Seriously, this guy is a total freak,” said Miller from the attic in his house. “I just want to go about my normal ghost business like everyone else- you know, haunting, taunting, general tomfoolery- but I can’t focus on any of that with this weirdo distracting me all the time.”

The “weirdo” in question is 32 year-old Jason Potts, who moved into the house in Feb. 2020. Miller said Potts was relatively normal at first, but things quickly deteriorated.

“At first I thought, hey, this guy seems normal enough, but then after a month or so, he started acting very strange,” said Miller while floating in the middle of the room. “First he started acting really anxious all the time, and kept frantically looking at a glowing rectangle in his hand. Then he stopped leaving the house altogether. He worked from home, had groceries delivered to him, and kept yelling at voices coming through his fancy typewriter. It was very disturbing.”

Miller admits that Potts’ behaviour did get a little more normal during the summer months, but now Potts is back to his old weird behaviour.

“Even in the summer when he would leave the house, he always put on a really strange mask. Back in my day if we wanted to hide our face, we wore a mask that covered our whole face, not just our mouth and nose. It doesn’t make any sense,” said Miller while casually walking through walls.

When asked if he has had any positive experiences with Potts, Miller confessed there have been a couple of bright spots.

“He’s been making lots of sourdough bread, so the house smells good, and that’s always nice,” said Miller. “And back in the spring he watched this talking painting called Tiger King… and gee golly, that Joe Exotic… now that’s a tenant I would like to have.”


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